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About Wormate-io.net

This site was established in September 2017 and was established to inform players about the Wormate.io game. Over time, new updates and innovations are made in the game. These innovations and update information must be known by the players. On this site, Wormate.io players can find Wormate.io guide, Wormate.io new skills, Wormate.io tips, Wormate.io tactics, Wormate.io private servers, and so on. There are other sites sharing these topics, but our site aims to convey the most accurate information to the players. This site can provide interaction between Wormate.io players from every region of the world, so they can learn new information and try it out in the game easily.

The official language of Wormate-io.net is English. The server of Wormate-io.net is hosting in Dallas, TX – United States. The main software of this website is WordPress. If you have any questions or information about the game, you can contact with the contact information below.


For Players: [email protected]
For Developers: [email protected]